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APPA-PPAI Joint Certification Course for Philosophical Counsellors
We are delighted to share with you that PPAI has recently conducted its first Practitioner Certificate Program for Philosophical Counsellors in collaboration with the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (APPA). Nineteen (19) Philosophical Counsellors were certified who are now available to provide counselling. You may find their details on our Philosophical Counselling page under the Service tab. ​
Related Events & Social Media
This page showcases our past events, events related to Philosophical Practice, and our Social Media links. We hope that this will help you understand the context and background of our ongoing work.
PPAI Inauguration
Philosophical Practitioners all over the globe came together at the inaugural program on 28-08-2022
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The first ever 'International Conference on Philosophical Counselling: Concepts, Methods, and Debates' was organized in India under the aegis of ICPR, Department of Education, University of Delhi, & Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi. Jan 14-16 2022.
You may visit the conference website at International Conference on Philosophical Counselling (
Select sessions of the Conference are available at
Photo: Chief guest, Prof RC Sinha sharing his insights at ICPC-2022